Beginning of spring semester 2020 was interesting in the fact that we moved online do to COVID-19 and it was an adjustment in the way I regarded photography. It wasn’t a huge adjustment as far as the fact that it was not difficult especially with the basis of the class being digital photography, I feel that it was easier than some other courses would have been just because it is digitally based course. I adjusted well to this more independent mode of learning because we still met once a week in the class setting online and I was able to like to get my work done at my own pace.

During this second half of the semester we had two projects and independent research of artists that could be related to the project topic. There was a series of photos called “The Great Empty” that was used as inspiration for my landscape project. This series was completed by a numerous number of photographers, however one photographer that I particularly liked was Sergey Ponomarev and it was called “Moscow”. The way that he demonstrated what was currently going on in the world in his images was interesting to me and I just felt that it was a breathtaking photo.

A photographer that I looked at for The Documentary project was LaToya Ruby. Her series titled “The Notion of Family” was the inspiration behind my own photos taken for that project. I like her style and how she used her home as the basis for her photography. Using my home made it a lot easier to take the photos and figure out what I wanted to do with them. Also, the way her (Ruby) photos were in black and white added a dramatic touch that I knew I wanted to see in my own photos.