It’s fine to change directions (and majors) in school and life. Before deciding to go down the long path of creating and hopefully having my designed major approved, I must determine: Why I wanted to create a major? Why take the hard road when picking one already there would be so much easier? Why not go to another school? Why I didn’t stick with CS? Just have to ask the question WHY and answer myself as honestly as possible.

When I first came to Agnes Scott I believed that I wanted to be a computer science major. This was partly because my father enforced the point of having a direction to go in, in school (i.e. not being undeclared) and because I like parts of computer science. Whilst I like parts of computer science and believed that the program offered would be successful, it soon came my attention that maybe I wasn’t cut out for it. This was largely due to my love/hate relationship with math. I’d like to love it, yet math continues to hate me, therefore we just decide to coexist far from each other unless we must cross paths. The CS dual degree program at Agnes is a very math heavy program and as I soon discovered maybe not the best for someone with this particular love/hate relationship with math.