In Romare Bearden’s exhibition at the high where the art was displayed as if a timeline of the artist’s life, we got to choose a painting that they resonated with us, it was during this time that I chose  the collage Artists with Painting and Model.

Artists with Painting and Model, 1981 by Romare Bearden

Maybe it has something to do with the different colors, the small images within the much bigger picture, or just the model, but something made me aware of this collage, even though the decision was incredibly hard. 

During this time, a deep look of the piece was performed. Doing this helped me to see a discolored foot and a faint face in the picture that I became a little obsessed with. Trying to examine the piece in terms of shapes instead of what I believe things to be. Wondering why the artists decided on some of his color choices, and placement of things. I tried my best to take pictures of these very things, while hopefully avoiding the glare from the museum lights against the glass. The deep looking might have been the easiest thing about the process to come.


We got a chance to play around with photo-shop and the layering process. During this time I tried to see what worked with different things, such as using different filters and placing it over certain aspects of the artwork.  It was interesting to see how the work could change and color and texture could be affected. Playing with photo-shop was fun and informative, more so in seeing some shortcuts that I haven’t used before.