This collection represents the way that hair can unconsciously signify a women’s mood. In order to do this, I represented the hair four ways in an afro, messy bun, ponytail, and pigtails. Each hairstyle also had an emotion it was connected to. Throughout these pieces I tried to make sure texture was a factor along with the sure of words in order to better communicate what the piece was about.

The first piece, the afro, represents freedom or a carefree state. The hair was made from tissue paper, while the body was made from a foam pad with sticks broken in order to create the effect of the arms holding the purse. The tissue paper created texture while the colors of the hair make the viewers eyes move about it.  The use of color for the background was to signify that it was a more carefree piece and wasn’t very uniform which was achieved with acrylic ink and a piece of paper to create the color going all over the page without being clumped in one place. The piece looks nice; however, I feel that the words on the face could’ve been done differently. Originally, I envisioned the words to be in the shape of the face (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.)  however, it didn’t work out that way. I like the use of color and materials most in this piece, however it could’ve been executed better.

The second piece which is the messy bun, was to signify how on the outside no matter what we hope to portray to the world that at the end of the day perfection is never achieved. I like the use of the actual hair; however, I don’t like how the body looks. If I were to redo the piece then I would use material of some sort in order to make the better stand out more, along with making the words on the face in the shape of facial features.

The third piece signified calm and getting things done with the use of a ponytail.  Again, the use of actual hair in order to give texture and movement to the piece aided in making it good, yet it could’ve had more elements to the piece. Giving the scrunchies texture could’ve made it better.

The last piece was to describe sad hair. This may have been my favorite piece and I feel that there is little I would change about it. The umbrella used created a pop-up element which fit perfectly with the rest of the theme of the piece. The only thing that could be changed would be the placement of the words, I would want them to be as centered as possible on the face.

While there are things that could be changed about each piece, that is not to take away that the collection was successful in small ways.